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Do you work while away?

Happy Monday everyone! I hope everyone is having a great and productive day! In the office, this morning and hard at work setting up this week and next as I will be on vacation starting Thursday night. It’s time for a little break from the office and time to get to the cottage for some much-needed relaxation.

I thought long and hard last week on what I should do about being away from the desk and considered pricing for a USB stick that will provide me with internet access while at the cottage. I am always up early and my thought was, get up really early, make a coffee and sit out in the backyard of the cottage and work for a few hours each morning so I don’t miss anything.

After a lot of thought and some coaching from friends I have decided to not bring my laptop and focus on enjoying my time away and just taking the time to relax. For me this will be hard but I am doubling my efforts this week so that all my clients are taken care of while I am gone.

When you go away on vacation, do you bring your laptop and work while you’re gone? Do you leave everything behind and just focus on having an enjoyable time? Let us know and let’s have a conversation on how you get away form the office.

Let’s Chat

Nick Russell


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