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“Oh no, my Facebook page is going to die!!! What now????”

As you may have heard in a post from Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook is changing their algorithm to make your news feed a lot better.

When Facebook was created, it was intended to connect you with your friends and family. Over time however your “Feed” slowly started to become more about the news and posts from brands and businesses. Now, Facebook wants to get back to what is was created for…connecting with your friends and having your timeline back to showing more of what your friends and family post.

“This is the end of the world for my business now, I’ll never get any organic reach!!!”

Alright, time to calm down and trust me, this is going to be good! Facebook did this two years ago and we saw organic reach grow. What this means is the “Lazy Marketers” will be forced to work harder and come up with some good content to get people to engage with their posts.

What’s going to help me and how do I get more organic reach now?

The more likes, comments and shares you get the better. The more live videos you do as well as posted videos that get a lot of engagement will help a lot! The more engagement the better!

What won’t work and will possibly work towards getting my page shut down?

What you don’t want to do is click-baiting, like-baiting and spammy links in your post, that won’t get you organic reach and could possibly get you a warning to be shut down. If your posts are getting unusual engagement like the same comments at the same times from bot programs, that won’t work either.

Facebook is looking for meaningful interaction and engagement…that’s what’s going to help your page!

I hope this helped in some way and if you want to know more we’ll be happy to help!

Let’s Chat

Nick Russell


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