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A great way for Entrepreneurs to communicate and grow!

As entrepreneurs, a lot of us are working from home and it can be a very lonely job. Even more so now that we’ve been in a pandemic for the past several months.

Without the opportunity to hold networking events in person other than on Zoom, that can make matters worse for us.

Something we have found that works well is to always communicate with those in your circle in a supportive group that is meant to help each other grow.

That’s why we created the Facebook Group, Entrepreneur Momentum!

This is a group where we can have open discussion that will help others as well as ourselves grow and have that communication with other entrepreneurs so we don’t have to do this alone. Just like we talked about in last week’s blog.

In many groups, you have an opportunity to promote your business and share your offers to the community or even the world but in those groups, there isn’t much of a conversation as some of those posts get lost in the mix.

In Entrepreneur Momentum, I wanted to do something a little different. I wanted a group that was more about value and connecting.

Come check it out and let’s connect with other entrepreneurs so we can all grow together!

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