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Is this really that perfect?

While I was at the Beer Store, we had a lot of training to do when it came to health and safety as well as the obvious one, selling alcohol. 

Whenever we had to do these training sessions, everyone, including myself, were bored out of our minds. It was generic, bland and something we had been over a million times. Yet it was something we had to do yearly. 

It wasn’t until I found Russell and the way he teaches that I truly fell in love with learning. I would say again but I wasn’t a fan of being in school so this was the first time I ever enjoyed learning. Maybe that’s just me getting old.

As time went on and the more training I started to take from Russell the more a pattern emerged. Then he offered the framework and script he used to teach most of his frameworks.

The best part it’s the same framework he used when he talked at one of Grant Cardone’s events, 10X.

This is something I have to link here for you to watch and trust me, it’s something you’ll want to watch a couple times. First to get the value that he teaches and then again to look past that value and see the framework he’s using. You can watch that video HERE and see how Russell made $3 million in that 90 minute presentation/training.

This is a framework Russell calls “The Perfect Webinar” and don’t let the name fool you. It can be used for so much more than just a webinar and you can clearly see that as he uses it in a presentation that made millions.

This was also something I used when I talked to a group of college students about branding and marketing. Now, it was (in my opinion) terrible as it was my first keynote speech but that’s how we learn.

When you’re using this framework it all comes down to making sure the audience trusts you and you also want to make sure they are entertained at the same time.

Very similar to the Hook, Story, Offer framework you want to make sure you Hook your audience in and to do that you will want to make a Bold Statement about what you can deliver as well as make sure you have a good hook that will keep their attention till the end.

This is where you can use a story to start relating to your audience and it’s also a chance to qualify yourself.

If you have been doing “your thing” for a long time, you can talk about how you earn that “one thing” that makes you an expert. If you’re just starting out, you can talk about how you learned “that one thing” you’re about to teach.

Now that you have your audience’s attention and they are hooked, it’s time to start sharing what you learned or earned with them and tell them 3 secrets about “that one thing”.

You want to be sure to give enough value to your audience that makes it worth listening to you but this is something that is used as a free presentation/webinar/training so you don’t want to completely give away the farm so to speak.

That’s what happens after this “Perfect Webinar” presentation.

You’ve got up on stage or you’ve got on camera with your presentation and you have hooked your audience and you’ve told them 3 big secrets about whatever it is your teaching. Now it’s time to over deliver and provide more value.

This is where you want to start bringing them up your value ladder and get them to buy something that relates to this presentation and can help them even more.

To do that, you’re going to want to use the offer stack method. That’s something I talked about a few weeks back when I talked about adding value to my BlackBerry KEY2 when trying to sell it.

When making an offer that continues to provide value to what you just taught, you want to do that in stacks. Talk about your first offer and what the value should be. Continue with your second offer and what that value should be and then go back and mention the first offer.

You can continue to do this with as many bonuses as you have and always talk about the previous ones with the actual price adding up with each offer.

This is typically something that will add up to a high total but something you won’t make your audience pay. That’s when you show them everything they get and then offer the new price that will typically be just for that audience or those that attended the training.

This is how you bring the perceived value of a product or serve up and make it irresistible. Again, that’s something I talked about when “selling” my BlackBerry KEY2.

This is something I do often and I can assure you that it is one of the best lessons I have learned from Russell. The Perfect Webinar is also something he talks about in his books and even something he offers for free.

Hell, he even gives you the entire slide desk you can use and make your own for $7.

If that’s something you think will help you and if you want a ready made slide deck so you can start teaching in a matter of minutes, make sure you take me up on the 2 offers below.

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