Creating Momentum starts with your Mindset!

From very early on, I’ve always known how powerful a good mindset was. I just didn’t realize how important it was in business until the last few years.

Growing up and until just recently, I was a 5 Pin Bowler. 5 Pin Bowling is a Canadian game and it’s similar to 10 Pin but a little more difficult. Having a smaller ball, 5 pins spaced out and scoring a lot differently, it’s a much more fun game to play.

As a youth bowler, I was a part of a Canadian wide league called YBC (Youth Bowl Canada) and with that, there were many in house tournaments, zone tournaments, provincial and even a national tournament.

The better you bowled and the higher you moved up and being a great bowler was only a part of what you needed to win a tournament. Having a good mindset was also key to winning. This is something that took me a long time to learn and I realized as I got older how important it really was.

The moment I would get down on myself after a few bad shots, the worse I would bowl. If I didn’t get my head right and get into a better mindset, I was just about done for the tournament. The same thing goes for you and your business.

Starting your day with a great mindset will go a long way in how productive you are and help you serve your customers and clients better. To do this, starting each day with a planner or journal is key.

You’ve heard me talk about many different planners and agendas in the past and today I want to talk about the current system I’m using and how that can help you to get into the right mindset, become more productive and create momentum in your business and in your life.

I’ve mentioned this before and it’s something that Alex Charfen talks about as well when he designed the Momentum Planner, we all have our phones at hand and with that calendar there is no need for another one to carry around.

Having a planner isn’t just about jotting down what you have to do and what meetings you need to attend. It’s all about staying organized and creating momentum.

That’s why with the Momentum Planner, it focuses on just that. Creating momentum.

To do that, the daily portion is layed out a lot differently than what other planners have. One of the main parts of the daily planning section is two areas for tasks.

If you read my blog a couple weeks back, I talked very briefly about the book Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy.

This book has actually become one of my favorite books and actually breaks down how to become more productive when planning out your day and breaking down your tasks.

The idea behind the book is to tackle the hardest most challenging task you have that day (The biggest frog) so that as you continue to complete your tasks, they will become easier and help you get more done in a smaller amount of time meaning less procrastination.

With this idea in mind, whether you have a To Do List in something like ToDoist or not, the Momentum Planner has an entire section in the daily area to write out all of your tasks for the day, big or small.

Even if you have something like ToDoist with all of your tasks, writing these out is still a huge and important part of your morning. This will keep all of your tasks fresh and at the top of your mind as you work and keep you from always looking at your To Do List and getting distracted.

The next and most important step to writing out your tasks each morning is to break them down and take the Top 3 tasks, the “biggest frogs” so you can focus on them.

What this will help you with is, only focusing on 3 tasks at a time. Like I talked about, these are the most important tasks so that if something comes up and you’re unable to complete the rest of your list, these are the tasks that need to be completed in order to have a productive day.

The other huge part of the Momentum Planner and something you can do to focus on creating a good mindset for the day is to write down What your intentions are for the day. This could be business related, personal or both.

This will get you in the right mindset and focused on what needs to be done. Being intentional in what you need to complete will set you up for a successful day!

The last part to writing in your planner/journal for the morning is to talk about where you were uncomfortable the previous day.

As difficult as this might be for a lot of entrepreneurs, it’s such an important step in creating a mindset that helps you move forward and start to create real momentum. Recognizing where you were uncomfortable will help you fix that area of your life or your business and in turn help you to grow.

The last part to the daily portion on the Momentum Planner is done in the evening. This is where you will fill out the last 2 sections and in there you will talk about your wins and what you were grateful for.

These 2 sections are an incredible way to finish off your day and help to get you into the right mindset for the next day.

If you’re interested in checking out the Momentum Planner and the Momentum Planning system, I will leave a link here below to check it out. It’s changed my life and my business and I can assure you that you will not be disappointed.

If you like this tool I have a lot more for you as well and it’s all laid out in our free resource guide below!

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