Are you taking advantage of Facebook Groups?

It’s funny, before I started Russtek I never really used Facebook Groups all that often except for the odd time when a friend set one up for something like a camping trip.

For me, I used Facebook Groups as more of a project management tool than anything and it wasn’t until I started Russtek that I really saw the benefit and how great of a tool Facebook Groups are to market your business and provide value to your audience. The same goes for LinkedIn groups but that’s a separate blog post for another day.

Just the other day I had a conversation with a friend and we talked about using Facebook Groups to drive traffic to their offer. After the conversation and me explaining how simple it was, they had a HUGE “AhHa moment”. 

The “AhHa moment” was all about providing value in Facebook groups that are filled with your target audience. Even better, letting my friend know about optimizing their Facebook Profile so that those in the groups can easily see their pages and websites was a great way to promote without dropping links and spamming groups. An amazing way to drive traffic you don’t control and convert them into traffic you own. 

If you’re allowed to promote in the group, you have to remember that you need to be in there providing more value than you are promoting. Just don’t join a random group and promote. You will seem like you’re spamming and won’t gain any traction. The last thing your audience wants, no matter the industry, is to be spammed with links and promotions.

Since you’re marketing to your target audience, your dream 100 is a part of that as well. Think about how your dream 100 markets to their audience and think about the content they created that made you buy into one of their offers. Can you think of a post or an ad?

Now that you have that in your mind, there is no need to reinvent the wheel. Use that and model what they did to sell to your audience. Again, while in these groups make sure you’re providing more value and even in a post that you’re promoting your offer, provide some value.

A lot of groups will have a thread at some point where they will allow you to promote an offer and it’s the perfect time to use a version of the Epiphany Bridge Script in order to both provide value while promoting your offer.

Instead of just posting your link and saying, “This is what I have to offer”, try a short post talking about how you learned or earned what you’re about to offer. Talk about how that helped you and how it can help your audience grow.

Doing this will help you relate a little more with your audience as well as have a bit of value instead of just spamming the group with a link.

Using this method to provide value is a great way to drive traffic to your offers but one important step some miss is actually having an optimized profile as you’re providing value in a Facebook Group.

Why is that important?

You want to make sure people know exactly who you are and what you do if they click away from the group and on your profile.

Having a cover photo and professional profile picture that fits your brand as well as having links to your businesses, social platforms and websites on your profile will help someone see what you offer after they have left the group to click on your profile.

Another great tip is to have a cover photo that has an offer built in. As an example, if you click on my profile you will see my cover photo is for the Entrepreneur Facebook Group and if you click on that cover photo you will see a link that takes you right to the group.

Everything I talked about in this blog as well as my previous blog over the last few months all come from a handful of resources that I’ve learned from and was able to earn everything I’ve accomplished. 

If you want one simple, easy to use resource guide that has everything you need as a business owner or entrepreneur, make sure you download our free resources down below!

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